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BDA Opposes I-976, Citing Threat to State and Regional Transportation Revenue

September 19, 2019 - by Matt Jack, BDA Policy Manager

Category What's Happening

BDA Opposes I-976, Citing Threat to State and Regional Transportation Revenue

The Bellevue Downtown Association (BDA) officially opposes the Washington Initiative 976 ballot measure. After reviewing arguments from both campaigns, the BDA Board of Directors voted to oppose the initiative citing its devastating threat to state and regional transportation revenue.   

If the initiative passes, the Washington State Office of Financial Management projects billions in funding would be eliminated from transportation projects and programs critical to supporting Bellevue’s growth. Projects that would be impacted include light rail expansion, I-405 widening, I-405 bus rapid transit, transportation demand management programs, and transit services.   

The BDA joins a growing coalition of employers, business and trade organizations opposing the initiative, noting transportation projects are badly needed to relieve congestion, improve transit reliability, and support access for Bellevue employees, residents and visitors.

Improving mobility is a key initiative for the association. The BDA’s Downtown Access Strategy lists the following mobility goals for Downtown Bellevue.

  1. Improve travel experience to, from and within the Downtown area, with an emphasis on time savings, safety, and environmental stewardship.
  2. Advance major highway projects that maximize efficiency to and from Bellevue, and advance local projects that maximize throughput for Downtown Bellevue.
  3. Serve land use patterns and build the infrastructure to accommodate planned growth.
  4. Reduce drive-alone commute mode share in peak periods.
  5. Reduce collisions and prevent transportation-related injuries across all modes.
  6. Accommodate emerging technologies and market disrupters within the built environment.
  7. Strengthen Downtown’s growing, diverse economy. 

The BDA strongly encourages a no vote on I-976. Visit the campaign website: No on Tim Eyman’s I-976.