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The Complete & Connected Initiative is an evaluation of the multimodal network serving Downtown Bellevue with the objective to identify improvements that help connect people to places. The final product of this work will include updates to the BDA's Downtown Access Strategy (DAS), an advocacy framework around transportation issues.

Since the DAS was last updated in 2019, the City of Bellevue has adopted a Multimodal Implementation Plan (MIP) as its new long-term planning framework that looks at the whole mobility picture through a series of layers. The Complete & Connected Initiative is taking a similar approach by looking at all the different mobility pieces that make up the urban transportation system as a whole.

The scope of the CCI will include the following documents and/or sources to help create a full picture.

(Nov 2023) COB Slides on Bike Bellevue – Draft Design Concepts 11 pages
(Sep 2023)
COB Bike Bellevue Draft Design Concepts 358 pages
(Sep 2023)
Downtown Mobility Study 83 pages
(Dec 2022)
Mobility Implementation Plan Dashboard
(Dec 2022) Transportation Capital Projects