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Curb Typology Framework and Standards

Based on the BDA's review of the CMP's Curb Typology framework, a successful Curb Typology is 1) responsive to changing conditions 2) comprehensive of all factors, 3) informed by reliable sources of data and public engagement, and 4) utilizes innovative tools and technology to gather relevant information. The list below further details the attributes of a successful Curb Typology. 


  1. Responsive and adaptable framework
    1. Steadfast updates to Curb Typology data sources
    2. Mitigate impacts when issues arise
    3. Enforcement of both public and privately-owned curb spaces
  2. Accounts for multiple factors
    1. Peak periods and scenarios that events that curb congestion
    2. Existing and future curb uses
    3. Building uses and tenant bases
    4. Privately-owned public space and use cases 
  3. Reliable sources: cataloging, stakeholder engagement, metrics
    1. Maintain an accurate representation of the curb spaces and uses
    2. Gather insights from tenants and properties that rely on certain curb uses.
    3. Understand the parcel-by-parcel relationship to the curb
    4. Collect and maintain data using technology to create a constant baseline
    5. Continue to engage stakeholders, particularly those who’ve not participated in the CMP’s development
  4. Tools: infrastructure & software
    1. Camera systems to record data and support enforcement
    2. Digital signage with time wayfinding
    3. App that shows the CMP dashboard information and real-time data